June 10, 2000 (San Antonio) — In case you’re a diabetic and dream of a needle-free future — keep on imagining … for a while, at least. That’s the word from a group of specialists who talked Saturday at the American Diabetes Association’s (ADA’s) annual meeting. In spite of the fact that several companies have […]
ماه: فوریه 2020
Light Meal During Labor May Be Safe for Most Women
By Robert Preidt HealthDay Reporter SATURDAY, Oct. 24, 2015 (HealthDay News) — Labor and delivery is frequently a grueling trial for many ladies, and current guidelines run the show out eating. But unused Canadian research proposes that a light dinner during labor may well be a great thought for most healthy ladies. “Our findings recommend […]
Gum May Aid Colon Surgery Recovery
Feb. 21, 2006 — Chewing gum may abbreviate clinic remains after colon surgery, modern investigate appears. The findings, published in the Archives of Surgery, come from Victimize Schuster, MD, and colleagues. The specialists work within the surgery division of California’s Santa Barbara House Clinic. The ponder included 34 people who had portion of their colon […]
Best AIDS Cocktails for Beginners.
July 12, 2002 — In case you have HIV, your life depends on an vital choice: which Helps drugs should you try to begin with? Presently you don’t ought to rely on those reflexive advertisements from the medicate companies, much obliged to reports from this week’s Worldwide Aids Conference. AIDS doctors know that no later […]
EEG Measures Awareness in Some ‘Vegetative’ Patients
Nov. 10, 2011 — Some patients thought to be in a vegetative state may later be assessed to have some level of mindfulness. Presently analysts in Canada say they are able to identify awareness in these patients cheaply and effortlessly by measuring electrical action in the brain. The researchers used a convenient electroencephalography (EEG) device […]
Alzheimer’s Vaccine Gets Second Wind
Oct. 14, 2002 — When it made mice with Alzheimer’s infection recapture mental function, it looked like a remedy. When it made people’s brains swell dangerously, it looked like a calamity. Between these two extremes, a promising vaccine presently focuses the way to modern Alzheimer’s treatments. The thought behind the immunization — Elan Corp.’s AN1792 […]
Is Your State a Hotspot for Obesity-Linked Cancer?
By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Columnist THURSDAY, Dec. 27, 2018 (HealthDay News) — What state you call domestic may have a great bargain to do along with your chances of creating an obesity-related cancer, a new report suggests. A nearly twofold difference exists between U.S. states with the most elevated and lowest proportion of obesity-related cancers, […]
Ephedra Safety Under Official Scrutiny, Again
Aug. 9, 2000 (Washington) — The FDA’s attempt to force stricter controls on the herb ephedra, a common ingredient in many well known weight-loss regimens, may got to hold up for another day. The agency’s endeavors appeared in jeopardy once again Wednesday at the conclusion of a two-day public assembly, where it permitted interested parties […]
Alzheimer’s Blood Test in the Works
Oct. 15, 2007 — Researchers report promising comes about from a blood test they’re creating to anticipate Alzheimer’s disease by up to six years some time recently clinical determination. The blood test isn’t prepared for use however. But it may one day offer assistance specialists identify which individuals with mellow memory problems will in the […]
Beating Breast Cancer But Still Paying a Price
By Karen Pallarito HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Dec. 15, 2016 (HealthDay News) — Ladies who survive breast cancer regularly involvement waiting physical and emotional symptoms that go untreated, modern investigate recommends. Ninety-two percent of long-term breast cancer survivors report at least three untreated indications for which they need help, agreeing to the think about. The foremost […]