It was a rare event in the midst of the #MeToo moment. Over the course of two weeks, an apology was offered and accepted, much of it in public, as thousands of people looked on. Megan Ganz, a former writer for the sitcom “Community,” had asked the showrunner Dan Harmon, who was her boss, to […]
روز: مارس 7, 2020
Baseball Loves the Long Ball. But for How Long?
Imagine teleporting into a baseball video game. That, John Mozeliak said, is how he felt watching college hitters on a recent visit to a Division I program. All the data that might appear on the screen of a virtual game was available, in real time, during batting practice. “These kids are getting instant feedback,” said […]
His Clients Weren’t Complaining. But the Judge Said This Lawyer Worked Too Hard.
Can a lawyer work too hard to defend a client? That all depends on who is paying the bill, a new lawsuit argues. A criminal defense lawyer in Galveston, Tex., says he was pulled off cases defending poor clients because he spent too much time on them and requested funds to have their charges investigated. […]
Indians Celebrating India at Houston FotoFest
Photography in India is a paradox. There are ample commercial opportunities, but few schools devoted to the medium. So, for the people of the world’s seventh largest country — with a population expected to overtake China — choosing a career in photography means either learning on the job or studying outside the country. “There is […]
The Post-World War II Order Is Under Assault From the Powers That Built It
LONDON — History was not supposed to turn out this way. In the aftermath of World War II, the victorious Western countries forged institutions — NATO, the European Union, and the World Trade Organization — that aimed to keep the peace through collective military might and shared prosperity. They promoted democratic ideals and international trade […]
You Won’t Find DeMarre Carroll of the Brooklyn Nets in Sweats
DeMarre Carroll, 31, is a forward for the Brooklyn Nets. Raised in Birmingham, Ala., and currently living in Brooklyn and Atlanta, Mr. Carroll is known for his bright shirts and colorful ensembles off the court. “Growing up, my mother always used to put us in loud sweatsuits and everything matched down to the shoes,” he […]
Opinion | An Article of Impeachment Against Donald J. Trump
There are good reasons to be wary of impeachment talk. Congressional Republicans show zero interest, and they’re the ones in charge. Democrats, for their part, need to focus on retaking Congress, and railing about impeachment probably won’t help them win votes. But let’s set aside realpolitik for a few minutes and ask a different question: […]
Opinion | Teenage Moms in Labor
To the Editor: Re “Treat Teenage Moms Like Moms,” by Tracey A. Wilkinson, Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds and Aaron E. Carroll (Op-Ed, Feb. 14): That parents of underage moms in labor can deny their daughters an epidural is astonishing. Here in New York, it is mandatory to offer pain relief to laboring women if they feel […]
January’s Most Popular Listings
The five most-viewed listings on The New York Times’s “Find a Home” site last month included a modern house in Colorado with vast indoor and outdoor spaces and a 10-bedroom bed-and-breakfast in the Pocono Mountains. Autokredit 20000
Should Teachers Carry Guns? Are Metal Detectors Helpful? What Experts Say
Paul Hankins keeps a box of smooth, colorful river stones — he calls them “fidgets” — in his classroom for students to hold when they need to soothe their nerves. The stones also have a different purpose, as do the billiard balls and the plank from the old gym floor. They can all be used […]